Har Ki Pauri Haridwar
Har Ki Pauri
Har Ki Pauri is a religious place in Uttarakhand state of India located in Haridwar city. This place means that Hari means the feet of God Narayan ji, but after the sectarianism with religious beliefs, when the god and the demons were fighting for the nectar, then Vishwakarma ji had taken away the nectar of their part, then some drops of nectar in the Har ki Pauri place had fallen. This place became a religious place. The drops of nectar also dropped in Haridwar’s place where it is called har ki pauri.
हर की पौड़ी भारत के उत्तराखंड राज्य का एक धार्मिक स्थल है जो हरिद्वार शहर में स्थित है। इस स्थान का अर्थ है कि हरि अर्थात भगवान नारायण जी के चरण, लेकिन धार्मिक मान्यताओं के साथ संप्रदायवाद के बाद, जब देवता और राक्षस अमृत के लिए लड़ रहे थे, तब विश्वकर्मा जी ने उनके हिस्से का अमृत ले लिया था, फिर अमृत की कुछ बूंदें हर की पौड़ी में गिर गई था। यह स्थान धार्मिक स्थल बन गया। अमृत की बूंदें हरिद्वार के जिस स्थान पर गिरीं उस स्थान को हर की पौड़ी कहा जाता है।
Har Ki Pauri Located
Har Ki Pauri is a religious place located in the Haridwar city of Uttarakhand. Where the Ganges river flows and many devotees come here to take a bath. This place is at a distance of 3 Kilometers from Haridwar Railway Station and also 3 Kms from Bus Stand. Both the railway and bus stations are facing each other. The nearest airport is Jolly Grant from here.
हर की पौड़ी धार्मिक स्थल हैं जो उत्तराखंड के हरिद्वार शहर में स्थितः जगह हैं। जहां पर गंगा नदी बेहती हैं और अनेको श्रद्धालु यहाँ स्नान करने आते हैं। यह स्थान हरिद्वार रेलवे स्टेशन से ३ किलोमीटर की दूरी पर और बस स्टैंड से भी ३ किलोमीटर की दुरी पर हैं। रेलवे और बस स्टेशन दोनों एक दूसरे के आमने सामने हैं। सबसे नजदीकी एयरपोर्ट यहां से जौलीग्रांट की है।
Har Ki Pauri Ganga aarti timing
Huge crowds gather to see the Haridwar ganga aarti timings Har Ki Pauri. By doing the aarti of Ganga Mata, everyone calms their mind and worships her. Haridwar ganga aarti timings is held at Har ki Pauri Haridwar in the morning and evening. Morning hours are from 5:30 am to 6:30 am and the evening time is from 6:00 to 7:00 pm .
हरिद्वार हर की पौड़ी में गंगा आरती को देखने के लिए बहुत भीड़ जमा हो जाती हैं। गंगा मैया की आरती कर सब अपने मन को शांत कर उनकी आराधना करते हैं। गंगा माता की आरती हर की पौड़ी हरिद्वार में २ समय होती हैं सुबह और शाम को। सुबह का वक़्त प्रातः ५:३० बजे से ६:३० बजे का हैं और स्यांकाल का समय ६:० बजे से ७:० बजे तक का हैं
Best time to visit Har ki Pauri
Although it is considered a good time to visit Har Ki Pauri throughout the year, devotees come from many miles away to take a bath here. The right time is to bathe in the Ganges in the summer, where you will be able to enjoy bathing in the Ganges, but it has been seen that before Diwali, the water of the river is reduced for cleaning. Before coming here, please take information about the water of river Ganga.
हर की पौड़ी आने के लिए वैसे तो साल भर अच्छा ही समय माना जाता हैं परन्तु श्रद्धालु यहाँ पर स्नान करने अनेको मिलो दूर से आते हैं। सही समय होता हैं गंगा स्नान का गर्मियों में जहाँ पर गंगा स्नान के लुफ्त उठा पाएंगे परन्तु यह देखा गया हैं की दिवाली से पहले दशहरा होने के पूर्व नदी का पानी सा सफाई हेतु कम कर दिया जाता हैं। यहाँ आने से पहले कृपया कर जानकारी ले गंगा नदी के पानी के बारे में।
Har Ki Pauri Haridwar | |
Located |
Haridwar Uttarakhand |
Distance from Railway Station |
3 Kilometers |
Distance from Bus Station |
3 Kilometers |
Nearest Airport |
Jolly Grant at 32 Kilometers |
Famous Ghat |
BharamKund |
Gear Used For Photography & Accessories
BharamKund भरमकुण्ड
Here is the most intense desire of every devotee who comes to Haridwar. It is believed that salvation takes place after bathing here. Har ki pauri ghat or Bharmakund holy place is the main corridor of Haridwar. It is believed that this is the place where Ganga falls in the plains except in the mountains.
यहां हरिद्वार आने वाले हर भक्त की सबसे तीव्र इच्छा होती है। मान्यता है कि यहां स्नान करने से मोक्ष की प्राप्ति होती है। हर की पौड़ी घाट या भरमाकुंड पवित्र स्थान हरिद्वार का मुख्य गलियारा है। ऐसा माना जाता है कि यह वह स्थान है जहां पहाड़ों को छोड़कर मैदानी इलाकों में गंगा गिरती है।
This place has the power to wash the sins in the river. This Ghat is on the west bank of the river Ganga, from where the river flows from the north direction. After all the sun shadows, the entire ascetic Ganga is doing aarti. At the time of Ganga Aarti, water in the river is completely bathed in light.
इस स्थान में नदी में पाप धोने की शक्ति है। यह घाट गंगा नदी के पश्चिमी तट पर है, जहाँ से नदी उत्तर दिशा से बहती है। सभी सूर्य अस्त होने के बाद सभी तपस्वी गंगा आरती करते हैं। गंगा आरती के समय नदी में पानी पूरी तरह से रोशनी में नहा जाता है।
How did BharamKund get its name?
Dharma Nagri Haridwar is called the gate of salvation, whose history is very ancient. There are many such kunds in India that are said to be cut off from all human baths, but the best of all these kunds is called Bharmakunda.
धर्म नगरी हरिद्वार को मोक्ष का द्वार कहा जाता है, जिसका इतिहास अत्यंत प्राचीन है। भारत में कई ऐसे कुंड हैं जिनके बारे में कहा जाता है कि ये सभी मानव स्नान से कटे हुए हैं, लेकिन इन सभी कुंडों में से सर्वश्रेष्ठ भरमाकुंड को कहा जाता है।
Some of these nectar drops were dried. Out of which there is a flow of mother Ganges. When the water of Goddess Ganga passes through Har ki pauri or Bharamkund, it is filled with extremely miraculous properties and bathing in it benefits for mental and physical expansion, which cannot be told about it.
इनमें से कुछ अमृत की बूंदें सूख गईं। जिसमें से मां गंगा का प्रवाह होता है। जब देवी गंगा का जल हर की पौड़ी या भरमकुंड से होकर गुजरता है, तो यह अत्यंत चमत्कारी गुणों से भरा होता है और इसमें स्नान करने से मानसिक और शारीरिक विस्तार में लाभ होता है, जिसके बारे में बताया नहीं जा सकता।
How did Har ki Pauri name
In this place, there is the power to wash the sin in the Ganges River and in this stone there is also the stone symbol of Shri Hari, Which seems like a divinity in itself. Speaking about the glory and characteristics of Har ki Pauri, it is said that Lord Hari also came to this place and there were signs of his feet, hence the name was kept in Har ki Pauri.
इस स्थान पर गंगा नदी में पाप धोने की शक्ति है और इस पत्थर में श्री हरि का पत्थर का प्रतीक भी है, जो अपने आप में एक देवत्व की तरह प्रतीत होता है। हर की पौड़ी की महिमा और विशेषताओं के बारे में कहा जाता है कि भगवान हरि भी इस स्थान पर आए थे और उनके पैरों के निशान थे, इसलिए नाम हर की पौड़ी में रखा गया था।
However, bathing in the Ganges is considered as salvation, but since ancient times, it is believed that bathing here sin is washed away.
वैसे तो गंगा में स्नान को मोक्ष के रूप में माना जाता है, लेकिन प्राचीन काल से यह माना जाता है कि यहां स्नान करने से पाप धुल जाते हैं।
This sacred gorge was built by King Vikramaditya in the memory of his brother Bharthari in the first century BC. Bharthari came to Haridwar and performed penance on the banks of the holy Ganga, when Bharthari died, the king built it in the memory of his brother which later came to be known as Har Ki Pauri. During the Samudra Manthan, when Indar was taking the nectar from the gods and demons, drops of nectar bounced from the urn and fell on the earth, making the place of religious significance. Lord Vishnu and Shiva themselves appeared here. After washing away the sins in Har Ki Pauri, the devotees participate in special programs like Mundan etc.
पहली शताब्दी ईसा पूर्व में अपने भाई भरथरी की याद में राजा विक्रमादित्य ने इस पवित्र कण्ठ को बनाया था। भरथरी हरिद्वार आए थे और पावन गंगा के घाट पर तपस्या की , जब भरथरी की मृत्यु हो गई, तब राजा ने अपने भाई की याद में बनाया था जो बाद में हर की पौड़ी के नाम से जाना जाने लगा। समुद्र मंथन के दौरान, देवताओं और राक्षसों से अमृत को इंद्र ले रहे थे, तब कलश से अमृत की बूँदें उछलीं और पृथ्वी पर गिरीं, जिससे यह स्थान धार्मिक महत्वपूर्ण हो गया। यहाँ पर भगवान विष्णु और शिव स्वयं प्रकट हुए थे। पाप को हर की पौड़ी में धो देने पर भक्त विशेष कार्यक्रमों जैसे मुंडन आदि में भाग लेते हैं।
Kumbh Mela
After every 12 years, a Kumbh Mela is organized here. It is also said that there is nectar flow in the water of the Ganges at this time. At this time a lot of devotees come to the bath in the Ganges. Thousands of devotees come to this Kumbh mela. Consequently, The police are stationed to control the crowd because of which sometimes, Kumbh Melas are organized to do well.
यहां हर 12 साल बाद कुंभ मेले का आयोजन किया जाता है। यह भी कहा जाता है कि इस समय गंगा के जल में अमृत प्रवाह होता है। इस समय काफी संख्या में श्रद्धालु गंगा स्नान करने आते हैं। इस कुंभ मेले में हजारों की संख्या में श्रद्धालु आते हैं। जिसके चलते भीड़ को नियंत्रित करने के लिए पुलिस तैनात है। और कभी-कभी कुंभ मेलों को अच्छा करने के लिए नया बना दिया जाता है।
Accomodation in Haridwar City
Haridwar is a popular tourist destination and offers a variety of accommodation options to suit different budgets and preferences. Some popular options for accommodation in Haridwar city include:
- Hotels: There are many hotels in Haridwar ranging from budget hotels to luxury hotels. Some popular options include Radisson Blu Hotel Haridwar, Haveli Hari Ganga by Leisure Hotels, Hotel Ganga Lahari, and Ganga Sadan.
- Guesthouses: Guesthouses are a great option for budget travelers or those looking for a more homely environment. Some popular guesthouses in Haridwar include Vashishth Guest House, Ganga View Guest House, and Adbhut Ganga.
- Dharamshala: Many dharamshalas in Haridwar offer budget accommodation to visitors, which is also known. Some popular dharamshalas in Haridwar include Shree Bhagwan Ved Vedanga Vidyapeeth Dharamshala, Ganga Mata Charitable Dharamshala, and Ganga Darshan Dharamshala.
- Ashrams: Haridwar is a spiritual hub and there are many ashrams that offer accommodation to visitors. Some popular ashrams in Haridwar include Parmarth Niketan, Sivananda Ashram, and Yoga Niketan.
Please note that the availability and prices of accommodation in Haridwar may vary depending on the season and the amenities provided. It’s best to check online or contact the accommodation provider directly to get the most updated information and make reservations accordingly.
Dharamshala in Haridwar near Har ki Pauri
There are several dharamshala in Haridwar near Har Ki Pauri that you can consider staying at. Some of the popular options are:
- Shree Bhagwan Ved Vedanga Vidyapeeth Dharamshala
- Ganga Mata Charitable Dharamshala
- Ganga Lahari Dharamshala
- Ganga Darshan Dharamshala
- Sankat Mochan Bhagwan Ram Charitable Trust Dharamshala
Please note that the availability and prices of these dharmshalas may vary based on the season and the amenities provided. It’s best to check online or contact the dharmshalas directly to get the most updated information and make reservations accordingly.
Hotels in Haridwar near Har ki Pauri
Haridwar is a popular destination and there are several hotels located near Har Ki Pauri. Here are some popular options for hotels in Haridwar near Har Ki Pauri:
- Ganga Kinare – A Riverside Boutique Hotel
- Haveli Hari Ganga by Leisure Hotels
- Ganga Lahari
- Alpana Hotel
- The URMI Haridwar
These hotels are located within walking distance from Har Ki Pauri and offer various amenities such as Wi-Fi, air conditioning, restaurants, and room service. Please note that prices and availability of these hotels may vary depending on the season and other factors, so it’s best to check online or contact the hotel directly for the most updated information and to make reservations accordingly.
Market of Har ki Pauri
Har ki pauri’s market is really exciting, in such a crowded area, the market is so limelight as if the sun has gone out at night. Har ki Pauri, the devotees are always going to come.
हर की पौड़ी का बाजार वाकई रोमांचक होता है, इतनी भीड़-भाड़ वाले इलाके में बाजार ऐसा लगता है मानो रात में धूप निकल गई हो। हर की पौड़ी में भक्तों का आना-जाना लगा रहता है।
Additionally, So many things can be seen and deliberated upon in the eyes. If it is a religious place, then God and all the articles of worship and clothes are available. Many facilities are available, like booking cars to go to different places. To travel, he has a lot of travel agency tourism, which is also available to visit the Char Dham Yatra, like all over Uttarakhand and to the hill area.
ऐसी बहुत सी चीजें हैं जो आंखों में देखी जा सकती हैं और सोच-समझकर सभी को भा जाती हैं। यदि कोई धार्मिक स्थान है, तो वह भगवान के लिए उपलब्ध है और पूजा के सभी सामान और कपड़े, सब कुछ मिल जाता है। कई सुविधाएं उपलब्ध हैं, जैसे कार बुकिंग, अलग-अलग जगहों पर जाने के लिए कारों की बुकिंग। यात्रा करने के लिए उनके पास बहुत सारी ट्रैवल एजेंसी पर्यटन है, जो चार धाम यात्रा पर जाने के लिए भी उपलब्ध है, जैसे पूरे उत्तराखंड और पहाड़ी क्षेत्र में।
How to reach Haridwar
Haridwar is well-connected to major cities in India by road, rail, and air. Here are the details on how to reach Haridwar Uttarakhand :
By Air
The nearest airport to Haridwar is the Jolly Grant Airport in Dehradun, which is approximately 37 km away. From the airport, you can take a taxi or a bus to reach Haridwar.
By Train
Haridwar, connected to major cities in India by rail, has the Haridwar Railway Station well-connected to cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, and Chennai. Additionally, You can take a train from any of these cities to reach Haridwar.
Delhi to Haridwar Train
There are several trains that run between Delhi and Haridwar on a daily basis, making it a convenient mode of transport for travelers. Some of the popular trains that operate between these two cities are:
- Jan Shatabdi Express (12055/12056)
- Dehradun Shatabdi Express (12017/12018)
- Mussoorie Express (14041/14042)
- Haridwar Mail (14005/14006)
- Yoga Express (19031/19032)
- Hemkunt Express (14609/14610)
The travel time by train from Delhi to Haridwar is approximately 4-5 hours, depending on the train and the class of travel. Booking train tickets in advance is advisable, especially during peak travel seasons, as the trains can get crowded and tickets may not be available on short notice. Moreover,
By Road
Haridwar is well-connected to major cities in North India by road. You can take a bus from Delhi, Dehradun, Rishikesh, or other nearby cities to reach Haridwar. Alternatively, you can also hire a taxi to reach Haridwar Uttarakhand .
Once you reach Haridwar, you can use local transport like rickshaws and local buses to get around the city.
Distances of Haridwar from different cities
- Delhi to Haridwar distance – approx. 230 km: Haridwar is well-connected to Delhi by road and train. It takes around 5-6 hrs by road to reach Haridwar from Delhi.
- Mumbai to Haridwar distance – approx. 1,480 km: Best way to reach Haridwar from Mumbai is by taking a flight to Dehradun or taking a train to Haridwar it takes around 28-30 hrs.
- Kolkata to Haridwar distance – approx. 1,400 km: Haridwar can be reached from Kolkata by taking train to Haridwar or a flight to Dehradun. The journey by train takes around 28-30 hrs.
- Nainital to Haridwar distance – approx.200 km: Nainital is located at a distance of around 200 km from Haridwar. The journey takes around 5-6 hrs by road.
- Kedarnath to Haridwar distance – approx. 125 km: Kedarnath is located at a distance of around 125 km from Haridwar. The journey takes around 4-5 hrs by road.
- Badrinath to Haridwar distance – approx.320 km: Badrinath is located at a distance of around 320 km from Haridwar. The journey takes around 9-10 hrs by road.
- Mussoorie to Haridwar distance – approx. 85 km: Mussoorie is located at a distance of around 85 km from Haridwar. The journey takes around 3-4 hrs by road.
- Dehradun to Haridwar distance – approx. 54 km: Dehradun is located at a distance of around 54 km from Haridwar. The journey takes around 1-2 hrs by road.
Har Ki Pauri parking
The best way to visit Har Ki Pauri is by walking because it is a place of religious significance, so crowds are bound to occur. Moreover, if devotees come from far away, parking facilities have been provided for their vehicles on the highway side as before. Additionally, parking is available for both 2-wheelers and 4-wheelers, with a nominal charge taken for security purposes.
हर की पौड़ी में घूमने के लिए सबसे अच्छा तरीका हैं चल कर जाना क्युकी हर की पौड़ी जैसे की धर्मकी िस्थल हैं तो भीड़ होना लाजमी हैं। परन्तु श्रद्धालु बहुत दूर से आते हैं तो उनके वाहन के लिए पिछली तरह हाईवे साइड में पार्किंग बनाई गई हैं जिसमे २ व्हीलर और ४ व्हीलर दोनों के लिए पार्किंग की सुविधा उपलभ्ध हैं जिसका नार्मल चार्ज लिया जाता हैं आपके वहां की सिक्योरिटी के लिए।
· Spiritual significance
· Festivals and ceremonies
· Spectacular views
· Accessibility
In this place, there is the power to wash the sin in the Ganges River and in this stone there is also the stone symbol of Shri Hari, Which seems like a divinity in itself. Referring to the glory and characteristics of Har ki Pauri, it is said that Lord Hari also came to this place and left imprints of his feet, hence the name was given to Har ki Pauri.
Morning hours are from 5:30 am to 6:30 am and the evening time is from 6:00 to 7:00 pm
Neelkanth Mahadev Temple is located approximately 32 kilometers (20 miles) from Haridwar in the Indian state of Uttarakhand. Situated at a height of about 1,330 meters (4,360 feet) above sea level, it is located in the Pauri Garhwal district of Uttarakhand.
· Attend the Ganga Aarti at Har Ki Pauri
· Visit the Mansa Devi Temple
· Explore the Haridwar Market
· Visit the Chandi Devi Temple
· Visit the Daksheswara Mahadev Temple
· Take a dip in the Ganges river
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Neelkanth Mahadev Mandir

Travel accessories
- Weather-Appropriate Clothing
- Comfortable Walking Shoes
- Camera and Accessories
- Travel Adapter and Power Bank
- Day Pack or Tote Bag
- Reusable Water Bottle
- Portable Wi-Fi Hotspot
Moreover, to all of you, I would like to take a special note: all the information in these articles is a mixture of internet social media and my own experience while photographing. Additionally, because the more you read about something, the more you will keep getting information.
These pieces of information will increase your interest in nature. Try to understand the stories behind them through their beauty, photos, and increase your knowledge as much as possible.
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